Harvest results of trial Paddy Rice in Sragen Indonesia, june 2015

Due to problems with the irrigation the trial area in the north-eastern part of Java Indonesia suffered from severe drought. Crops suffered from the lack of water but the results with the support of OsAB application proved that the paddy rice had less evaporation which resulted in a higher crop. The crop yields per hectare without OSAB were 4,1 tons/ha and with the OSAB application 5,2 tons/ha. An increase of 26%. Apart from a better yield in tons/ha the results also showed a higher number of tillers (28 against 22) and the length of the tillers was 63 cm against 60 cm in the control field.

Paddy Rice in Dawanagere Karnataka India

Effect of OSAB: grain yield increased by 38% and total bio mass increased by 45% with less infestation. Treated plots showed considerable higher yields despite lacking rains at beginning of the monsoon.

Trial with Coromandel

Rice trial near Chennai, India (2017) – see separate file

Soil type: acidic

Sweet Corn (maize) in Wangkui China

Effect of OSAB: yield increased by 30% with better nutritional quality of the grain. The plants of the treated field had more roots, so more soil entrapped, giving better uptake of soil nutrients. The girth is bigger and the plants have a longer stem, resulting in higher biomass yield.

Soya in Andhra Pradesh India

Effect of OSAB: grain yield increased by 30%, larger grains.

Sugar Cane in Rampura, Karnataka India

Effect of OSAB; a very good growth in treated plot; improved millable cane height, more biomass; increased inter-nodal length and cane girth, the leaves are broader, thicker and greener than control. The yield increase was 35%.

Wheat in Uttar Pradesh India

Tomatoes in Surat India

Effect of OSAB: yield increase by 20%, more uniform fruits, less disease attack, less number of curled leaves and less premature flower/fruit dropping.laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Onion in Pune, Maharashtra India

Effect of OSAB: yield increase by 20%, with more uniform quality, shape and size of the bulbs. The onions are larger. The attack of pests was lower resulting in reduction in pesticide by 50%.

Watermelon in Navsari, Gujarat India

Effect of OSAB: yield increase by 20% to 25%, better quality of the fruit, tastier then control, less pest attack than control and therefore 55% less pesticides used.

Bananas in Navsari, Gujarat India

Effect of OSAB: yield increase by 45% with more uniform shape and size. Also less shoot damage-, no fruit borer observed on treated plants while the control plants had some incidence of fruit borer. Taste and smell of fruits in treated plants where better than in the control plants.

Strawberries and SAAT

Without silicic acid

Sprayed with silicic acid